I’m really developing a violent reaction to the “video games are escapism” line.
Like, that’s all the art form is to you? A means to escape your life and turn off those dumbass noises in your head for a while?
The main goal of the Nazi film policy was to promote escapism, which was designed to distract the population and to keep everybody in good spirits; Goebbels indeed blamed defeat in World War I on the failure to sustain the morale of the people.
Maybe morale fell low because people were starving, and no amount if teeevee is gonna change that. Fuckin idealists always end up as nazis I swear.
Don’t trans people have the right to escape from transphobia also? Flip it on their heads.
“Keep politics out of games” and the whole “escapism” line are nonsensical the more you think about it.
Video games are not an “escape from reality” into something completely new and different, they will always be reinterpretations of our current reality because that’s all we know and all we can create. Reinterpretations that display how we believe the world works, how we feel about the world and what we would like it to be. Any piece of art involving any kind of society will therefore always be political, because you can’t write a society without displaying how you believe societies work and/or how they should work.
I can’t support trans rights because the transes killed 30 million people.
Oh wait that was the nazis.
damn that’s crazy, anyways, any of my trans and NB comrades want to hop into tf2 and legally convert everyone into a femboy?
What’s with right wingers and this constant, child-like insistence that everything they do is escapism and coping. It sounds like they want a safe space