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Sometimes I’ll stand in front of a door and open it for women. Twelve hours of showing how much I appreciate women, six days a week, no vacations in two years. Roasting in the sun while I make sure they can safely enter Wendy’s, without even being asked. Yet not a single turkish delight of puss. By hour four I’m usually reduced to tears and it changes nothing.
I just want an ice queen to tempt me into her carriage with a box of gooey, sweet, powdery puss.
The kind of puss you only want when the entire world is at war and supply lines are being blockaded by submarines. Ersatz puss we eat to pretend death isn’t around the corner.
Sure, those guys are pathetic, but people who think I’m trying to get laid just because I’m casually being nice aren’t a whole lot better.
as a brown person, like 8/10 people think I’ve got a raging boner for a woman If I try to even step in their immediate vicinity so yeah I can definitely understand how this ‘nice guy’ term is toxic bullshit and simply an excuse to promote shitty behavior in this psychopathic society.
Yeah, I didn’t want to dive too deep into this topic, but this ‘nice guy’ stuff is highly reactionary dude bro language.
It comes from the same mindset as twitter comments saying “she’s not going to sleep with you, buddy”, or terms like ‘white knight’, ‘SJW’ and ‘virtue signaling’. It always assumes that, deep down, we’re all actually evil sinners just looking out for #1, that people never do anything nice without ulterior motives, just because they want to.
It’s the same line of thinking right-wingers use as justification for being dipshits.
as a guy in his late thirties i have been sending the same “ok whatever” signals to strangers for my entire life, but in my twenties I definitely got women of the same age range responding to my generic “hello fellow human” concern with “I HAVE A BOYFRIEND”
edit: now that i think about it i even got “i have a boyfriend” from somebody who i ultimately ended up going on a couple dates with because they were interested and i wasn’t but when they asked i went along
mfers are complicated or whatever
Is it just me or is there a lot of weirdly attractive crust punk? Like, how do you look so good on a diet of malt liquor and cheap cigarettes?
i am a proud loser who has been cruelly flayed into a deproletarianized neo-serf and I will NEVER apologize to the yuppies for it. Losers form the largest and most essential part of the social body and are the main basis for revolutionary activity.
but don’t you see he’s a feminist? :ooooooooooooooh:
why do feminism if no getting laid??! :rage-cry:
I also hate Morty
absolutely not
Edit: I hate the stereotype that teenage boys are hopelessly horny