people decided it isnt worth risking their lives to have a boomer spit in their face for bringing the wrong flavor of ketchup out
i have a nurse friend that did a unanimous union vote because all the new covid patients are unvaccinated rightwing nutjobs and they are in talks to formulate rules for how nurses will deal with these people (currently the plan is to strap them down and force the mask on them cause theyre fuckin idiots, tape it to the back of their head if necessary)
they also did a vote to expel all nurses that refused masks/vax too. there really is no excuse to not get vaxxed as a nurse, they do them in your lobby
a nurse friend that did a unanimous union vote
currently the plan is to strap them down and force the mask on them cause theyre fuckin idiots, tape it to the back of their head if necessary
did a vote to expel all nurses that refused masks/vax too. there really is no excuse to not get vaxxed as a nurse
Legit, I think nurses and teachers and “reproductive capital” (cant remember the term but al the shit that keeps capitalism ticking over by keeping workers minimally healthy and educated) in general are going to form the locus of revolutionary labor in the coming struggles this decade. Like the longshoremen and railway workers and coal miners all were for the last big struggle.
To the point that if you’re not sure what to do for work and wanna do good shit for the cause, go become a nurse or teacher and salt and organize with them.
currently the plan is to strap them down and force the mask on them cause theyre fuckin idiots, tape it to the back of their head if necessary
The pissing and moaning would be monumental
Goddamn I just want to get to see 1 video of that happening. It would be so fucking fun to watch
Suddenly remembered about a brief work stint in the ER like a decade ago, and EMTs brought in someone who was tripping serious balls that they needed to put a mask on because she kept spitting at them for dragging her away from her castle (a sandbar that became an island at low tide).
Good for them they should do it, solidarity with based nurses unions
You know that 9/11 happened right in the middle of a big decline in the economy (dot com bubble)? Did you know that in 2019 the fed started new QE measures in order to prop up a failing economy? What if this was already going to happen and we’re falsely assuming it’s all covid? The post says it itself. The proliferation of alternative gig employment means a smaller labor pool for traditional retail/foodservice jobs. The pandemic happened while this was already going on, and then we all assume it started because of the pandemic.
This was always going to happen.
Idk, don’t a lot of those gig jobs suck but in a different way? I’m not sure that the existence of some ~$15/hr. precariat gig is enough to help people reclaim their crushed dignity.
Shit, even the better job will get undercut by the 30% increase in rent and gas prices.
The gig jobs definitely do suck, but they’re not replacing full time jobs with benefits, they’re replacing part time jobs with inconsistent scheduling. At least with gig jobs you have the semblance of autonomy by being able to set your own schedule and not having a shitty manager breathing down your neck.
not having a shitty manager breathing down your neck.
Sure. Instead a handful of algorithms are your shitty manager breathing down your neck, and their mood is determined by an arbitrary rating system in the hands of customers who don’t know or care how their ratings affect your schedule/pay/life.
I think rents rose so fast those low paying service jobs are now unable to provide even a strained living. The retail industry isn’t able to subsidise the landlord’s largess
Appropriate if the final nail in the u.s. coffin is that we finally ran out of :free-real-estate:
I think it’s even more morbid than you’re suggesting I bet a lot of these essential workers probably died or got long covid complications and just plain cant work anymore.
I was talking to a friend who does run a restaurant. He voted Bernie, but did mention that no one wants to work. I told him people in restaurants died the most from Covid so it’s no wonder people don’t want to work now, especially with Delta. That did shut him down and he said basically everyone is fucked in the long run because no help at all from the government.