This guy very seriously goes through the details of the Sonic Adventure 2 level, Radical Highway and their thematic significance to the character of Shadow the Hedgehog. It’s hilarious, I’m pretty sure it’s sincere.
I mean, Radical Highway was a memorable level in that game.
pretty good video honestly
In college a few years back I was playing sonic adventure 2 with college buddies and I kept doing this bit where I’d do a trump voice and say
:trump-anguish: Hillary Clinton… Will not say… Radical Highway. She won’t say it folks!
It was really funny at the time and I just wanted to share that (idk if it’s obvious but the term I replaced was radical islamic terrorism)
Okay this joke still rocks thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about it
I laughed.
:trump-anguish: No security in this country! None! I’ve seen, have you seen on the news? A mustachioed strange man wearing goggles got into the facility! He used his mech Walker and laser cannons and walked right in! Like nothing folks! Like nothing. Who knows where else he could go with that thing? I don’t wanna find out do you? Nah!
This nasty man, he took out experimental hedgehog! Very bad news folks! And they aren’t talking about it! An egg man with goggles with robot pants stole our state secret hedge hog and the fake news reporters…where are they? Not talking about this! You have to hear it from me folks!