This may be the dumbest struggle session in the history of this site. Everyone voicing any kind of opinion about Hasan Piker needs to log off. I couldn’t even figure out what the fuck any of you were talking about until like 3 threads in.
This is the first comment I saw opening the thread and it will be the last. Thank you for your service, and you’re absolutely right, I really don’t care lol not gonna read the debate
“A socialist can own the house they live in.”
“No they can’t.”
“Yes they can.”
I gotta say, this is my favourite struggle session so far. Bravo :rat-salute:
This is the stupidest struggle session in Hexbear history, a record which will be broken by every subsequent struggle session in Hexbear history
This doesn’t have anything to do with tossing car batteries into the ocean
Jokes on you, I inherited my gran’s house that she was given by a (since deposed) communist government. I’m also the only person in my circle of friends that owns a house, wonder why.
If I were mad about this, I would simply not watch Hasan.
NO because I imagine I am general secretary of a vanguard party and all the online leftist and leftish personalities are members of that party and we would lead the revolution together and when they misbehave I have to discipline them so this is ackshually very important and everyone should care.