I only tried a tiling WM for a few days several years ago. I am ok using the terminal but not everything can be done easily there. In the screenshots of people setups, there are always fancy terminals. Are tiling WM good also for other GUI a part from terminals?
Tiling is handy for lots of things, especially combined with workspaces. People just like showing off terminals in their flex screenshots
I use multiple GUIs with i3 and would not have it any other way. They work great and I can control them with the keyboard!
Not at all. I use a tiling WM, and most of my time is spent in text editors or a browser. I just like having everything visible and spaced out automatically for me.
I think tiling WMs just have a lot of overlap with the terminal-heavy crowd. They tend to require some manual set up, and they tend to be very keyboard shortcut heavy. Both things also popular with people that tend to like using terminals.
Also keep in mind most screenshots advertising someone’s set up are to show off, not their regular workflow. It’s like looking at someone’s professional head-shots and wondering if they usually dress like that.