Did everyone coordinate? Was there some incitement?
sorry i didnt hear about this on citations needed
the bad faith episode was pretty frustrating though. gerald horne being all “amerika is a settler colonial project and NOT an experiment in democratic governance, can’t you see that the whites aren’t waiting for left politics to mobilize them, they are organizing themselves in class-collaborationist fascist formations” and bri being all “yes american history is problematic but can’t we build a multiracial coalition to do good things with some ‘new patriotism’?”
is doesn’t require the CIA to make the American labor aristocracy support their political program. Their material class interests are aligned, you’re going to see more woke “social democrats” soyface at patriotism than say the word “segregated nazi ghettos”
It’s an interesting question. Like if the left in the US won how do you deal with the fact that so many areas don’t have any industrial capacity or much to trade or how do you manage to field a large enough force to deter counter revolutionary forces from other western countries? Would we enter a sort of HK situation where the groups wanting to claim independence are crushed by the material reality that HK was completely dependent on mainland trade and resources? If we decided to abandon nationalism when at the controls, could we?