This has to be the most lazy, uninspired, way to heat up the cold war 2.0. I guess the uighurs thing and SOS Cuba lost steam so here we are.
it’s funny to me that the CIA had enough confidence that the latest Cuba operation would succeed that they burned the reputation of a bunch of faux-leftist assets by having them try to “both sides” it
I think a big part of how Cuba has survived is how well it has penetrated the US intelligence apparatus with double agents
Fidel Castro, spy master, bedeviled U.S., says former analyst
MIAMI (Reuters) - For almost three decades after Fidel Castro took power, Cuba’s budding intelligence service fielded four dozen double agents in a world-class operation under the nose of the CIA, according to a new book by a veteran CIA analyst.
reminds me of this interview of this Cuban professor who was recruited by the CIA for a color revolution but was a double agent working for Cuba the whole time:
I think a big part of how Cuba has survived is how well it has penetrated the US intelligence apparatus with double agents
The CIA is the most dangerous entity in the room, but because of that they think anything they do will work out because who the fuck is gonna stop them
You’ve got a bunch of guys who think they’re civilized geniuses fighting against brainless barbarians, tricking them wouldn’t be hard with enough study
It seems too dumb for reality, but the fact of the matter is that the best and brightest of the imperial core got outplayed by the Viet Cong, said “never again,” then got outplayed by the Taliban the same way, and all they can do is blame the Afghan people for not worshiping America enough
If you can get away with declaring war over fake WMDs, at that point, you’ve deluded yourself into believing you control reality. You control American reality, but the rest of the world will push back; you see this with China already
It seems too dumb for reality, but the fact of the matter is that the best and brightest of the imperial core got outplayed by the Viet Cong, said “never again,” then got outplayed by the Taliban the same way, and all they can do is blame the Afghan people for not worshiping America enough
So much of this really does boil down to chief executives not really giving a shit about the historically decently-effective CIA playbook. Like, Bush Jr wasn’t sending Top Brains into Iraq to oversee his empire. He was sending in Liberty University drop-outs, because their parents were some of his biggest campaign donors. Afghanistan was target practice for a few years and only became a serious concern when Obama ran on fixing it (largely driven by the Neoliberal pivot to war with China). Even then, Obama’s best and brightest were… who? Rahm Emanuel? Hillary Clinton? Chuck Hagel? It was patronage all the way down.
The entire US Empire has become guys giving their friends’ nephews jobs. And those nephews giving their friends’ nephews jobs. Now we’re three generations in and its nephews all the way down.
If you can get away with declaring war over fake WMDs, at that point, you’ve deluded yourself into believing you control reality. You control American reality, but the rest of the world will push back; you see this with China already
We’re seeing it with Venezuela and Iran and Pakistan and France. China’s the biggest fish in the room, but check out Germany green-lighting the Nordstream 2 because fuck Ukraine and fuck this Cold War bullshit with Russia already. Europe is Going Its Own Way. East Asia seems primed to follow. And after that…
You’ve got a bunch of guys who think they’re civilized geniuses fighting against brainless barbarians, tricking them wouldn’t be hard with enough study
This sums up the American foreign policy project in general. People assume it’s because of the Conservatives/modern GOP but it’s actually deeply part of the “Progressive” movement. “Woke imperialism” has been then game of the game for 400 years because we Americans are morally righteous, a shining beacon of hope for all mankind, and we’re gonna come save you and make sure you live a moral life too.
Didn’t the Soviets also run fucking circles around the CIA or is that a leftist feel good factoid
We were doing Havana Syndrome before SOS Cuba was cool.
That said, “the sailors on the USS Maine got a bit dizzy, so now we’re invading Cuba again” has a serious First-As-Tragedy-Then-As-Farce ring to it.
Nah but all iHeart shows atm constantly has ads for a new podcast ‘SOSCuba’ a clearly NED funded(like bellingcat) talking about the ‘communist controlled island’ and what ‘US involvement really means’ which is pretty disgusting
*Working in fucking Vienna and getting a hangover*
oh my gooood hoooly shittttt broo its fucking HAVAAAAANA oh my goooooood
wonder what happens when the Directorate of Analysis is staffed by people who believe the CIA’s own propaganda so fully that they can’t do proper assessments
He confirmed that among other steps, he tapped a senior officer who once led the hunt for Osama bin Laden to head a task force investigating the syndrome
Bro they’re not even trying. They know it’s bullshit, and they think it’s funny.
I’m looking forward to Kathryn Bigelow making a propaganda film about this, a la Zero Dark Thirty. The US public needs to be told that the CIA was trying real hard to find the source of Havana Syndrome, they swear, just like they were looking for Osama.
Reminder that the US (basically) knew where he was when they invaded and they fucked around on the opposite side of Afghanistan for a year so he could safely escape. I bet they knew where bin Laden was for years.