Octoberfest is objectively the worst German festival. Literally every tiny town has a better one at a time of year that is actually appropriate for wearing Trachten without freezing to death. Also, better headwear.
Hasn’t it been cancelled this year?
The revolution I mean.
Can we drink beer from comically oversized mugs at the revolution?
Octoberfest is over, it happens in September
Oktoberfest: Happens in September
October revolution: Happened in November
Does the month of October actually exist or is it just a conspiracy by big calendar to make us buy more calendars?
Ask any people around you if they can actually remember anything that happened to them in October. I bet you they can’t
Note how Hunt for Red October (based on a novel that came out in 1984!) started playing in theaters in August. November Rain was published in September. 9/11 (commonly known as “Oktoberfest with planes”) happened in September as well. You may be on to something here.
Hell yeah, I went to fest 8 I think it was back in 2009 maybe and it was a sick ass time