An end to sexualization of underage characters, to start with.
No more Isekai slavery apologia nonsense. No more product placements. Labor hours actually enforced on the industry as a whole.
Some things would remain the same because of Japanese culture and others wouldn’t need to change, but there would be much less sexualization and imperialism. There would also be much more open about their left-wing politics.
I anticipate a similar trend as seen in movies and series. Comparing films from the USSR to those in the US during that period highlights differences. Currently, Russia’s film industry produces subpar content. The prevalent sexualized aspect in recent anime may diminish, moving away from cash-driven productions exemplified by the 20th isekai where a 15-year-old protagonist battles a demon king with his harem. Nevertheless, there are watchable isekai anime, and some are commendable
Animes will persist, free from capitalist constraints. I enjoy watching anime as a great escape mechanism. However, at times, I notice that authors feel compelled to include women with large breasts, possibly for better sales, though not always.
The sexualisation of minors is terrible. Years ago, when I was 14/15 years old, I could watch something like that. You’re 14, you’re going through puberty and you’re also (doesn’t apply to everyone) probably horny a lot of the time. I could identify with the MC back then, a guy with magic fighting demons with his female mates who all have big boobs. If a 14 year old tells me that he or she likes anime like that, I don’t think it’s creepy. But…
But now it’s kind of incomprehensible to me how adult people can watch some things. Some of it you can ignore, but often it’s not about the story, it’s more like half hentai. Back then I didn’t watch these anime where there were literally children who were of course 7000 year old elves and totally sexualised. Only later, when I was an adult, than I realised that the target audience for some anime is neckbeards and people who like to watch the sexual abuse of minors.
I firmly believe that capitalism is responsible for the current dark sides of anime and the production of low-quality content. However, consider how the USSR elevated cultural standards with films. I am confident that a “Soviet Republic of Japan” would similarly enhance the cultural value of anime.
In that sense, anime will have a wonderful future under the dictatorship of the proletariat and much later under communism, that’s my guess.
We might finally get anime that critiques oppression but proposes more than just getting rid of the one bad guy running the show (or not even that in many cases)