It’s good shit. A shame Obsidian couldn’t pull off Outer Worlds to the same level. Hopefully OW2 lives up to it.
Hopefully, but tbh I just remember not thinking the world was of any real interest and the guns felt kinda dull.
I did find the trot parody character pretty funny at least so it wasnt all bad.
Yeah, OW seemed to lack depth versus FNV, not just the guns. Not to say it was bad, they just set a high bar with FNV.
And I still can’t get over the guy running that company on the abandoned planet who’s like “the board didn’t follow their own rules! [several lines of dialogue later] But I have a plan that involves an elaborate mechanation of their rules!” And he’s basically a good guy in the game and this position of his is not called out at all! :LIB:
Honestly all the weapons were super dull. I tried playing a melee character for kicks and do you care to know how many melee weapons there are, excluding special variants which are like, somewhat better reskins? Something like 8-9 models in each category maybe? The uniques aren’t even that unique, really, just a slightly different color reskins with better stats
Outer Worlds was incredibly underwhelming, with some whiffs of insteresting ideas here and there but none of them are really committed to
I can’t remember the name but on one of the planets you basically meet some anti-corporate revolutionaries and have to side with either their leader or the person organizing everything. The leader basically just wants you to go risk lives and resources for printing presses and shit to produce theory and the organizer lady wants you to get actual supplies to fight the corporations like medicine and shit.
Its not like a super explicit parody but I always joke with my friends about it since a couple of us were part of a local trot org for like a few months and they were about that obsessed with selling papers and pamphlets.
Agreed. OW was fine, but slightly disappointed me since I expected greatness. Will definitely play 2 though
Outer Worlds as a story and characters was alright, but the gunplay, exploration, levelling and looting were all so bland that I just gave up part of the way through because the story wasn’t enough to motivate me to finish it