How does that even work?
A lock that can only be opened by the correct genitals?
Those dogs that detect terminators, but for transpeople?
Are vigilantes supposed pop their heads under the stalls?
Are vigilantes supposed pop their heads under the stalls?
Hate to break it to you but a lot of chuds actually do believe in something like that
I remember TERFs unironically advocating for cis men being present in women’s bathrooms to watch out for transwomen
Permitting anyone creepy enough to spy on people taking a dump to do so?
Literally the worst option here.
Hell even importing some cops from terf island to periodically knock on the stalls and be like “Oy, you got a license for that fanny?” would be less invasive.
The company which produces ShotSpotter is going to spin off a subsidiary which uses toilets equipped with microphone arrays to analyze the acoustics of your trickle and verify your pee-angle falls within predetermined parameters. It will also malfunction 80 percent of the time.
That’s the thing, these rules are effectively unenforceable. Like, Target or McDonalds or whoever sure as hell aren’t going to spend $ to have someone monitor their bathrooms. And if some chud wants to “tattle” to a manager, I don’t even see how that could work. Do they think a manager is going to call security (most places don’t even have real security anymore) and do a genital check or something. Capital has no interest in enforcing this.
Only places I could see this practically being an issue would be like a school, where you have the same people using the same bathrooms every day, and there’s some authority in charge over users (school admins over students).
So it’s not even going to be effective. Doesn’t matter, chuds just want to win a battle in the culture war for once. Fucking losers.
The point of them is to legitimize harassment. My best friend (NB, AFAB) told me a story about a time when they went to the women’s room and a man started banging on the door shouting, “There’s a man in there!” When they came out he realized his mistake and sheepishly went on his way. That’s the purpose of the law, obviously it isn’t really enforceable on everyone, but for people who don’t pass or who as present in a queer or androgynous way, then suddenly strangers feel like they have a right to harass and interrogate us. It has nothing to do with safety, except insofar as the assholes want an excuse so they don’t feel like assholes.
If you listen to hardcore transphobes they will half-heartedly try to explain how it could be enforced but they don’t actually care. They know cis women aren’t in any danger in bathrooms and they only pretend otherwise as a rhetorical trick. To them it’s all a way of legitimizing harassment and discrimination.
Airport security style x-ray machines?
Registered sex offenders to do dick checks on children?
Mandatory strip searches of anyone that needs a piss?
Mandatory DNA sequencing and the creation of a passport system that contains your sex chromosomes, (because let’s just shove intersex folk under the bus too)?
Most likely - overzealous “concerned citizens” harassing any woman who “looks like a dude.”
It’s going to be enforced by self-appointed vigilantes beating the shit out of trans folks and cis folks who don’t conform to every gender norm.
The law is more or less implicit encouragement and tacit agreement to give right wing lunatics confidence no repercussions will come to them.
I am more afraid of public bathrooms than I am of death
My experience is a bit different, I get the feeling that I am hard to read one way or the other until I open my mouth, then people gender me as a woman. I also am unable to imagine just being ok with going into any gendered bathroom as a trans person, I can’t decide which one would be worse for me to use… Just gunna shit on the floor idk…
Give people a safe place to use the bathroom for christ’s sake. We’re back to the bathroom wars.
Im just tryna take a shit hey
A new survey shows 47% of Americans deserve a baseball bat to the face :gui-trans:
Sending love and support to all my trans comrades, y’all don’t deserve to go through this shit :trans-heart: