Good thing nothing bad will ever happen because we ended history hahaha… right? Right?
They’re using public road infrastructure and semi trucks as their warehouse instead! Just keep truck driver wages low and make sure never to ever do proper road maintenance and everything will always be fine.
“If anyone demands better infrastructure, just threaten to create toll roads again.”
A lot of them still insist that the problem is that we need a More Just In Timer system, except one in which every step (resource extraction, manufacturing, etc) happens in the states. Economists are basically paid to be wrong
I’m sure the ruling class collectively agreeing to bring imperialist extraction back home into the imperial core will never backfire
Foucault’s boomerang, except it’s stuck in Illinois with a truckful of boomerangs that ran out of gas.
in truth, the imperial violence was aways directed inwards against the colonized in the core as much as outside towards the colonized in the colonies, that’s why i’d say imperialism is modernity, it’s been there for a long time and it’s gonna stay until collapse or sovietization
“Let’s transfer all of our production to a country with crumbling infrastructure and the potential for riots lasting several months, where the political system is in the process of shitting itself to death and half of the population reacts to a crisis by pretending it isn’t actually happening and threatens to kill the other half for saying otherwise. That’ll make supply more secure.”
- an imperial scholar shortly before the great blackout of 2022
What said managers don’t get is that a lot of Chinese factory workers for international goods are migratory, with their families living inland while they live in dorms most of the year. It’s the only time they get to really see their families.
It’s less of a “don’t get” and more of a “don’t care.”