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i had the opposite experience, my family with no coherent political beliefs hates cops and landlords and my dad was like the only time ill drink and drive is to run over cops. also they seem to hate israel.
Pleasently surprised this christmas lmao
debating saying “free palestine” around my black israelite uncle to see what his reaction is but I know everyone else will be like “come the fuck on ABC…”
Like I know that the black Israelites exist but the thought of one being in your family is wild to me.
the thought of one being in your family is wild to me.
he’s the most soft-spoken/not physically threatening guy but you go on his Facebook & he’s posting 24/7 shit like “HELL-oween is for the world…not for the saints.” and “The Bible is being fulfilled 🇮🇱” (on October 14th
real. Thankfully it is just the one uncle and both my dad & my other uncle both are basically non-religious despite growing up with a pastor dad, so it doesn’t really ever have a chance to bleed into anything - but yeah it was contentious when grandma died and he wanted to plan the funeral & everyone was like “absolutely not”
whenever he starts posting shit like “Straight Pride ✝️🇮🇱” in July though (literal post I just copied from his Facebook wall smh) I’m always like ‘my man this is why no one likes you and you were fired from your nursing job & now work at walmart…’
What makes it funnier though is that literally no one else in our family or extended family has fallen for the black israelite ‘‘knowledge’’ - again, because my dad and us are all non-religious - he literally found this shit as a pretty hardcore Christian and did a whole conversion for a girl he then knocked up and had a child with but subsequently broke up with cause, his words, she wasn’t ‘feminine and submissive & didn’t respect the Most High’ like what bro…she is raising your child???
Is black israelitism common? I am genuinely curious because I thought it was a pretty fringe thing.
I mean - it definitely depends. Besides my uncle I’ve known a handful of Black Israelites who have varying degrees of belief but in my experience, it is usually a fringe belief in the sense that you have to be exposed to some facet of by someone/something. You’re far less likely to just learn about it in school or at a bar. My uncle definitely discovered it through Facebook. It doesn’t help that the local Christian church they go to is very pro-Israel either though. I’d imagine if you lived somewhere like NYC where you can find a group of Black Israelite preachers in public on the sidewalk, it may be a little easier to get into.
Amazingly seemed like my more and more violently coughing midde class family is starting to get disillusioned by the status quo, all had been sick before Christmas with novid obviously. Most of my leftist points were met with comments like “I agree” with glances from depressed and weary eyes. Even my comments on how this virus will end us if we keep this up. That is new.
Boy did the kids especially make me sad though. One 9 year old said when I said their cough sounds pretty bad that “I cough like this all the time now”.
A few months ago I realized whenever I saw my nephew he was practically always coughing.
Yeah, it’s soul-crushing. This time I was however finally able to have the “covid is not over” talk with the mom of said kid when in the summer of this year she still ripped my eyes out when I very calmly said I don’t appreciate people showing up sick to family gatherings when covid is not over. Then I still got the partypooper treatment.
It’s very sad and depressing that we have to do this the hardest possible way with the most harm possible, but here we are.
I’m not seeing family today because we’re Jewish. But Thanksgiving was hard. I’m the only antizionist in my family, my parents and brother are sympathetic, but the rest of my family are raging zionists- my cousin actually fucking moved to Israel and proudly participated in recruitment propaganda. It was a lot
I wouldn’t say it was a raging argument, but I had a family member “both sides” Gaza. They stopped responding when I asked why Isn’trael was also conducting operations in West Bank.
Yesterday I had a liberal respond to me with “We should be careful about what we say about countries we don’t live in.” when I called Israel a settler-colonial fundamentalist religious ethnonationalist apartheid state. This person is the one who brought up the conflict (it was an old childhood friend who claimed to be a leftist) and said my takes on Israel were “Left Qanon”
Cut a lib etc etc etc