Fr I may have a slightly weird looking body but not that bad yet no matter what I wear I look like a giant doofus. I guess it doesn’t help that I pretty much exclusively get clothes from thrift stores but I am not about to drop $50 on a fuckin shirt.
I have to wear business casual for work and I think I look alright with it but I don’t want to wear that when I’m just doing shit. It’s stuffy and also I end up looking like some republican dork ass.
Any drippers in here that can advise me?
Get the baggiest pants in the world
Get some nice shirts and get them tailored. If youve got a bunch of stuff a tailor can do em for like $3/shirt. Nice stuff imo is like ~$20. Try any thrift stores if you have them and just try stuff and see what works. Experimentation is really important if you want a unique style that still looks nice. Part of the reason why republiboys always look like that is cause they are following a formula instead of mixing and trying unqiue things.
easy, just have a body size that exactly matches industry standard sizes