If you click the key - it activates overtype mode. In my entire life - I’ve never intentionally used that. I’ve only activated it by accident.
overtype mode: the cursor, when typing, overwrites any text that is present in the current location
Pull it off your keyboard.
Get used to writing in overwrite mode and unlock endless possibilities as a next level power user
Wait until you discover the power of WIndows shortcut keys. Press CTRL-ALT-any key and start the program of your choice. I have all my frequently used programs on shortcut keys to avoid digging through menus.
Pressing Shift-Insert is another shortcut for Paste. Learned this from my dad, I think it’s from the days before Ctrl-V became a thing.
Why is it called insert when it does the exact opposite
It’s like if there was a key and if you pushed it - you died. Yet they called it the Life key.