meaningless spectacle from a system beyond reform
This is why takes like “return all land to Native Americans right now” are unironically good, even under a DSA lens
because you can at best only hope for 1/10000th of your position to be fulfilled, if you’re lucky
If anyone can see this and think that these people have any sort of ideology I don’t know what to tell them. Like its so clear Manchin doesn’t actually believe in any of this as he doesn’t give a shit which policy stays or goes.
to “pick just one”, thereby shifting the responsibility back on to anyone but himself. Sanders et al called his bluff, insisting he SPECIFY and commit to a (very popular) program (that polls well) he wants to dump but he’s too chickenshit to do this. So this is his only play.
Angry Adam is best Adam.
The solution, as always, is fire.
One thing people have to keep in mind is that there is no one “good for The Economy” because there is no The Economy. A rising tide does not lift all boats. Things that are good for your economy like expanding Medicare, and childcare subsidies and especially child tax credits are very bad for the employing class’s economy because they make workers more demanding and less precarious.