Most languages with “official” formatting guidelines are due to limitations of the compiler/interpreter. Mixing whitespace in Python (or older Fortran) is a great way to error out massively.
For the more modern compiled languages, there is no need. But there still tend to be popular formats from companies like Google
In my experience, they’re rarely as strictly enforced as e.g. flake8
does it for Python, but yeah, there is usually some resource suggesting a code style. If all else fails, you can look at some of the code the language authors have written. They’ll usually have developed a rather consistent style…
Rust has a style guide and comes with a linter. But I don’t think you need to follow it if you don’t want.
If you’re using visual studio (2022 is current) the idiomatic styling will be mostly correct by default (Ctrl k,e will reformat).
I’ve found it to be less strict than I’d prefer. Things like whether parameters are aligned or indented, whether or not the first one is on its own line, what statements are indented in fluent calls that have blocks, etc.
A lot of other formatters (prettier, anything for python, etc) force something consistent in those cases, whereas it seems like the dotnet formatter prefers to leave things as they were.
I’d love for it to be more opinionated and heavy handed if anyone has suggestions
I’ve never looked into it very deeply, but it uses a styling spec called EditorConfig. Check it out,
There’s dotnet format
which will format your code. You can configure it with editorconfig