this is why it’s called climate change not climate warming. weather extremes become more extreme, europe is experiencing colder winters as well as hotter summers for example and the freak polar vortex that crushed texas last winter is another example.
also i’d wonder if this isn’t partially an artifact of the records being of dubious quality the further back you go. sometimes “most ___ on record” has more to do with the way things are measured and how data science has come so far in the past 50 years. like how hurricane counts increased dramatically as our ways of detecting them got more advanced.
either way, let’s hope the arctic can get a freakishly cold season sometime soon, it needs it way more than antarctica does rn given how dicey that sea ice is looking and how dire the consequences of an ice-free summer would be.
These morons managed to fit so many wrong ideas about climate change into a two minute segment. God damn. Hahaha.
Gosh, I hope that’s a good thing.