i’ve learned more about the real on-the-ground ugliness of COVID from r/nursing than I’ve learned from any other source. Even the most unflinching media portrayals of what COVID does to the unvaccinated and the people who have to care for them leaves a lot out.
for example last week i learned that a lot of nurses have had to deal with maggots in the intubated bodies of COVID patients, because anybody who has to be intubated for as long as many COVID patients do makes an attractive home for fly larvae, even when they’re still alive
Nurses deserve a memorial in every goddamn state for the shit (figurative and literal) they have to deal with. US hospitals are a horror show.
:le-pol-face: No, I have economic anxiety.
that last paragraph is kinda weird, but good post
it’s not so much that as the sending pictures of her feet to her husband, or just the weird tone about getting food and drink shoved in her mouth. Just kinda weird, not necessarily wrong.
just the weird tone about getting food and drink shoved in her mouth.
She’s fucking exhausted and that’s an expression of it. There’s not a lot to it.
Any society that values human life would simply force people to get vaxxed in a situation like this. Of course, liberalism prioritizes the freedom to join a literal death cult instead.
I would genuinely not bat an eyelash if people were dragged out of their homes to get vaccinated. I have a large family that’s full of chuds and it’s getting smaller. 22 of my relatives have died of covid. Around 50 have gotten it and have severe health complications now.
Force these people to take it. I don’t give a shit anymore. Shoot them in the neck with a vaccine dart. Make it illegal for them to work. I’m fucking desperate.
where are the maggots? on the skin/bedsores?
From reading the thread linked at the top of OP’s post, they mostly show up in bedsores or other open wounds, but they … i’ll spoiler this because it’s so fucking gross.
The maggots sometimes start nesting in the nose as well. These patients can’t move, don’t breathe through their nose for weeks and the nose is also full of slime, so some flies think it makes for a perfect nest. It seems they sometimes show up in the vent tubes as well.
yeah I couldn’t even bring myself to ask what I meant which was NOT IN THE RESPIRATORY TRACT RIGHT?
I’ve heard doctors talk about removing maggots from necrotized tissue in the past, but that stuff just hits differently.
If it helps, there are situations in which people have mostly died. This particular thing is what got me radiclaizes in the first place. That family member is likely braindead or if not, near enough to brain dead that actual braindeath woudl be preferred. And while in this mostly dead state they are getting major money paid for their care that isn’t helping and they cannot enjoy. This is money in the half million dollae range just wasted on a corpse and then some fortune 500 company.
So for this situation, the person would have been on a coctail of powerful medications to keep their lungs open and their heart beating. Unfortunately, the ammount of drugs to that in high enough doses for long enough time can kill most the other organs.
So for flies to nest like that they have to be undercleanred. Which will easily happen in a state with poor labor law and overworked staff.
It is the hat trick of failed conservative ideology. No vaccine, no labor rights, no dignity.