I think the donut twitter sickos who came after her for her completely routine nomination of Bernie sanders (literally her JOB) and getting raked over the coals by the MSM (for diong her FUCKING JOB at the convention) really broke her brain. she used to tweet nice about Pelosi, i’m guessing to play the long game or whatever and try to form alliances to get her legislation seen by the top brass.
I think with the DNC shit she finally learned there’s no playing nice with these fools. Get their asses AOC
I think in late 2018 there was some deal making done between the progressives and Pelosi. They had stopped paying DCCC dues and then went back to paying them all of a sudden.
It’s clear that these rules have since been broken by the fact that the DNC media machine went after AOC like that. It was clearly a planned coordinated attack.
If you’re independent then you have two opponents.
Also if you’re an independent who used to be a democrat it means the republican wins because the vote gets split.
(I’m not sure if this is a bad take or if I’m just feeling really pessimistic and nihilistic today? Maybe both?)
She needs the DNC so long as the broader progressive caucus doesn’t leave the party alongside her.
Independents simply just don’t get committee assignments. That’s what happened to Bernie when he first got elected to the house and was only able to establish himself within the caucus after he helped found the progressive caucus.
Lastly, if she wanted to run for president, she would need the DNCs voter database VAN. Setting up any sort of phonebanking without VAN is very difficult.
To run in the primaries in 2020 and gain the same base as Bernie on a fully national scale, then run third party? That donor email list is very important.
Getting into debates is very important too.
AOC has to be the most “cancelled/uncancelled” person in the US Leftist sphere right?
Honestly, there are some who hate her no matter what and others who always like her and they’re just arguing amongst themselves.
It’s clear that she’s willing to play nice with the establishment so long as they play nice with her on a solid set of clear rules, but once they go back on any of that she’s willing to burn their house down. People just want someone who isn’t remotely a Democrat which is totally understandable, but the third party movement in the US has long been nothing but a failure compared to the current approach.
We are such Tsundere’s for AOC.