ML just solved protein folding. It’s a large part of Google core search. It’s how translation works. It beat the best air force fighter pilot in dogfight sims a while back, the best Go player at Go, the best chess player at chess. That’s important because so many things can be mathematically described as games (as we will start to see with dogfights, killchains, etc).
Knil brings up an often-discussed point about whether ML is just interpolating data or actually ideating, but most of the rest of this thread is smug posturing. Elon Musk level of talking about things you’re unaware of, it’s embarrassing and discouraging
I have to do ML for my bachelor thesis and it’s so fucking lame but so easy. Makes me depressed because I know I’m worth more than just shoving data into a pre-made algorithm but I also know I probably won’t ever amount to anything more.
Anybody who claims they are doing anything with AI is a dumb piece of shit not worth your time. AI can fit basically anything without human intervention.
Machine learning is astrology for stemlords
This is why a big part of machine learning is making sure you don’t use racist data
They teach the social science students and hope it permeates out to the STEMlords. It’s the trickle up theory of social justice
That’s very silly your relying on students from different courses teaching things to each other