Yeah, because fast food is hard work regardless of how much you get paid and not everyone is willing to deal with grease burns and demanding customers
Hell, I love cooking and fast food would probably rob me of that within a month
nah dick’s is great and is a local institution. they’ve offered really competitive tuition support for years and they don’t deign to the customer at all: if you take too long to order, they tell you to fuck yourself; if you try to order anything customized, they tell you to fuck yourself; i think they finally got card readers, but for years if you tried to pay in anything but cash, they told you to fuck yourself.
if you take too long to order, they tell you to fuck yourself; if you try to order anything customized, they tell you to fuck yourself
That’s uhh… not good.
It’s pretty bad for disabled people. I don’t want a certain ingredient because the texture is just horrible to me? Fuck me? I take too long to decide because I have trouble making decisions in general? Fuck me?
I’m not saying you have to keep a bunch of extra ingredients on hand. If someone wants an ingredient you don’t have oh well. But that’s not what this is about, “anything customized” includes removing ingredients.
It’s a specific part of the appeal of that place, one of their gimmicks is that the staff treat you like shit and fucks with you. It’s very fun when boomers don’t understand that and get mad.
Is that Dick’s restaurants, or Dick’s Last Resort in Las Vegas, which doesn’t appear to be affiliated with the restaurants? Or do the restaurants do that too just by coincidence?
$20 is still scraps, iirc we should be near what like $30 an hour or something to match inflation? I hope workers keep holding out.
$19/hour won’t let you buy a house and it won’t let you send your child to college without crushing debt. It would be difficult to even just raise a child on $19/hr. It’s shameful that this is even a headline of an ostentatious amount of money for a worker to be making – pretty sure they would still be in poverty especially after taxes.
What should minimum wage even be right now, I have no clue. I know that 19/20 is still laughably low.
Have they tried paying $69 per hour?
gosh maybe Dick’s should try $21 instead of whining