Im a MEAN Stack developer and require the following:-
- MongoDB (with MongoDB Compass)
- Express
- Angular
- NodeJS
I need those for my web development job and projects.
I have experience with Ubuntu and Fedora based distros and wanted to use Arch Linux because i like the way Hyprland looked. Just tell me how to install mongodb, the rest can be done with npm.
because i like the way Hyprland looked
Do you know what the AUR (Arch User Repository) is? You can install MongoDB that way. (This is NOT an official source, all AUR packages are created by users!)
You can install an AUR manager like yay:
git clone
cd yay
sudo make install
and install (compile) MongoDB:
yay -S mongodb
(or alternatively mongodb-bin for a pre-compiled version)
I apologize if some of the code doesn’t work, i can’t test it right now.
Install paru and use it to install mongodb from the aur.
Honestly I would say just learn Docker. It only takes a few days, a week tops. You make a container with Mongo and one with Node, network them together, map the Express port and the data volumes for db/code/build to the host machine, and live happily ever after.
Which is super clean, not distro-dependent, reproducible, portable, easy to backup, you can swap Mongo and Node versions or use multiple versions side by side as you please, and you can use whatever features you want from the home distro without impacting anything in your dev stack.
I used Fedora/Hyprland for a while.