Socialist theorists and not writing coherently, name a more iconic duo.
Firm disagree here. It’s a definite strain that comes from the cope around not accepting the privilege created by the imperial core’s stolen wealth, but by no means a majority.
There is a long and very proud history in america of actual socialists / leftists coming from the working class and other marginalized groups.
What if instead of Google Murray Bookchin it was Google Murray Blockchain and it was just for the… people that use blockchain I do not understand blockchain
Earlyish Bookchin is decent and he made some interesting contributions to anarchist theory, but he needed a goddamn editor. Even his good books are kind of a mess imo.
I have a pretty low tolerance for people who don’t get to the point, for what it’s worth. I have the same criticism of different marxist-adjacent writers as well (zizek comes to mind).
:zizek-fuck: (schniff)
“and now I will write sho terribly about ze philosophy of gender that othersh zink I am a transhphobe deshpite jusht being a dumbash and sho on and sho forth”
Seriously, read his shitty article on gender liberation where he makes up his own definition of gender and then argues about it with himself while not clearly even switching perspectives. Complete fucking mess.
This is like when I bought The Sublime Object of Ideology and I opened it and was like “wait now who is this lacan fella”
Bookchin was apparently an Ayn Rand fan 😬
I don’t wanna get into the territory of sexual pathology as politics, but Rand apparently had some kind of submission and/or rape fetish that probably leaked into her general worldview
Internalized misogyny is a fuck. Rand wrote a lot in Atlas Shrugged about it somehow being empowering for women to “allow” themselves to be owned by men.
If you don’t reconcile or accept your fetishes / sexuality, it will absolutely come out in random unhealthy ways that are extremely obvious to everyone else.
He has “mixed feelings” about them, then immediately goes into fanboy trivia about his favorite character
Well he is on record saying that he would side with ancaps and libertarians against AUTHORITARIAN LEFTISTS (mls , leninists ,maoists etc)…
We like to mock takes like that as “reddit anarchist” phenomenon but fucking popular figureheads of “libleft” thought have these wall worthy radlib “viewpoints”. Too much chomsky or Bookchin rots the brain