Yeah, they call out all the problems at least and aren’t trying to say all is well. They’re right that zoning and property tax based education are dumb and there needs to be a larger, more centralized tool for distributing resources.
The biggest issue is that they won’t extend that solution to production and the economy as a whole. They instead want to focus on housing and education alone.
Still nice to see something at least pointing out liberal hypocrisy in one of the largest liberal papers on the planet.
I think the primary issue with this video is that they bring up the rate of home construction and not the underlying issue of home distribution and marketized housing.
They do point out the fact that the NIMBY types in wealthy suburbs have mateiral interests counter to the rest of us though. Specifically in keeping their property value up by minimizing utility of land and creating housing scarcity in areas with high productivity.
neoliberalism figures out a way to turn every social movement into another device for the expansion of its own logic.
because capitalism is based on the fact that people largely respond to the incentives in the situations that they are forced in to. no one can escape.
He seems to be genuinely alright on some things. He’s at the very least a moderately left urbanist.
Crazy they let him on the editorial board
Pretty sure this is the ex-Vox dude that made a video in partnership with the World Economic Forum or IMF or something, do not cut him any slack