Last minute wording change from “coal phase out” to “coal phase down”. Many country delegations upset but wanting to not scuttle the whole deal they begrudgingly went along with it. Delegates from island nations calling the whole thing a failure.
Sorry can’t find an actual article on this, just watched it live on Al Jazeera
Phasing out coal was literally the only thing in their plan that had a chance to have any actual effect. Everyone that signed off on and is crying they needed to remove it to pass nothing should be thrown in the gulags. They all sounded like they are in the American Democratic party or Liberal party of Canada. We tried nothing and we are all out of ideas.
Anyone who has any faith in these summits is an absolute moron.
The last summit included an agreement to decrease deforestation by 50% by the year 2020. Now we are in 2021, deforestation actually increased and the COP26 agreement has a provision to decrease deforestation by 2030… It will go like this forever.
Doesn’t matter what they wrote down. They have not met the targets of a single historic pledge on climate. NOT ONE.
This would be no different, and whatever things are in the document will not be met either.
It is a show to continually stave off the people removing them from power.
Wow what a surprise, literally no one saw this coming