Our flaming hellstate (we love it folks) is not coping well with the seventeen or so overlapping disasters going on right now. Apparently we’re now operating on auxiliary power too, because it turns out privatizing your electricity grid and just trusting them.to spend the money on maintenance is a fuckheaded idea. Anyway, the plague is resurging and now I have a letter from the power company telling me to expect intermittent blackouts during the heatwave, but also they’re gonna start charging me more.
Can’t wait for the collapse tbh
I remember wondering, a decade ago, if the UN’s prediction that climate change would light the usa on fire would be a good thing.
‘Surely this is a lucky break; surely literally the most extreme/impressive/shock and awe outcome of climate change possible is hitting just the right place to wake up the people in the heart of empire’
California on fire and two tropical storms about to smash the South? Just another summer in climate change is a myth paradise
These people literally think that the world is like Command and Conquer/Call of Duty.