What up guys? I’m full of whiskey, beer, weed, and I just turned 27? Nuts right!? Yeah whole thing, Had the worst year of my life and then November was a real nice month so let’s see if things come back. in an improbable 4th quarter like the 2007 NY Giants I shall put my life just over the finish line and all will be good
ANYWAY, Look here you, you fuckin’ guy that’s reading this. Ever read the Science Fiction short story from 1905 called “The Machine Stops”? It’s crazy man, it describes this dystopian future where climate collapse leads to everyone living in vast underground arcologies. Everyone has an individual apartment where they are almost completely isolated from one another in physical space and everyone communicates via cameras and telescreens and all this shit. The main character is this LADY who gets called by her son who is all “MOM I WANNA SEE THE SURFACE!” and she’s all “suck a dick dumbshit, stay inside!” I fuckin love it. This asshole in 1905 predicted the future almost as well as my man John Brunner did
In other random ranting news, Lemme tell you guys I really do Love me some fishing. Any of you assholes wanna go fishing sometime in the next whenever who lives in NYC? hmu I wanna go but my friends are a pack of sissified weaklings who shudder in fear at the idea of going out and facing the cold. I however, know that cold weather fish taste the best. Wanna hang out? Lmk!
How do I attatch PDFs I wanna sticky this story to it wtf where is this button
I can’t find it look it up It’s called “The Machines Stop”
Here’s the story guys. Also go out there and read The Sheep Look Up by John Brunner, that motherfucker called everything and also has good prose
you rock. happy birthday! you go fishing and make new cold winter fishing friends! bring whiskey and offer it up to strangers also out there fishing. instant friends
that’s nice of ya man, thanks I will make fishing friends :tequila-sunset:
its good to have different circle of friends. your story reminded me of this one: https://marshallbrain.com/manna1
if i remember right, the author is making the case against AI or computers or something, but accidently makes the cases against capitalism and soulless jobs. been a few years since I’ve read it
Yo furries, How do you feel about Bojack Horseman? I feel like furries would like this a lot but it’s mostly bc my furrry friend loves this show
I like Mr Peanutbutter, that guy is like what we all should go for
Here’s a fun fact, I got a scholarship to college by discussing “The Machine Stops,” so I have a great fondness for it
The college I went to offers a few full scholarships every year, and some lesser scholarships, but you have to compete for them. You could either do a presentation to a small panel of faculty and teachers on a project you did outside of school, or discuss one of a few different texts, one of which was “The Machine Stops.” I got good grades in high school, but wasn’t a super tryhard student, so I didn’t have any projects. I decided to do the text discussion, which was more in my wheelhouse (I would go on to major in English lit).
The scholarship candidates stay overnight on campus before the competition, and I ended up getting pretty drunk and woke up a bit hungover, but I got some coffee and went in to do my text discussion. For some reason, I was fucking on and I felt like it went really well. From what I recall, I praised the prescience of the story, but talked about how the fundamental craving humans have for connection would prevent something like the world the story presents from coming to pass.
Anyhow, I got the scholarship, which I was thrilled about because it was for my second-choice school, which I never would have been able to afford otherwise. I later found out that every other person who got one of the scholarships that year did a project presentation, lol