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16 points

In a stunning development, an Albanian man has been able to destroy the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund (VOC), and its 43,000 supporters (and growing), with a simple trick.

“It was a very simple trick. I first approached the Memorial Fund from a position of absolute material interest. Â I asked them for money. Â I asked them for a lot of money. Â They said no. Â I then asked them for a lot of money, but this time with a justification. Â I told them that I was going to use the money to build a statue of Joe Stalin. Â They still said no. Â I then explained that I was going to use the money to erect a monument to the victims of the VOC. Â They agreed to give me the money and I destroyed them.”

The VOC was never able to recover from the devastating blow dealt by the Albanian man.

“I think that the VOC’s biggest problem was that they said ‘no’ too many times. Â It was a stupid thing to say no, but they said it,” said the Albanian man, who has already destroyed the Victims of Communism Foundation and the Victims of Communism Memorial.
