garbage junk food is cheaper than healthy food
let food manufacturers load up their products with so much salt and sugar that it’s literally addictive
have fast food stores on every street corner so you can never escape the cheap high of eating junk food
Gym memberships are too expensive for lots of the population
no cheap public options for poor people work out
Cities are designed for cars, not for walking
claim “personal responsibility” when millions suffer physical and mental health problems as a result
I’ve struggled with binge eating for most of my adult life, and I’m not going to let the capitalists beat me
I have a normal BMI. Literally in the middle of the normal BMI range. But everyone says I’m too skinny because obesity is so prevalent in the US it has changed the social perception of what a normal body looks like.
I get treated like a meth head for being skinny. I am a little underweight but I’ve never had a problem with how my body looks except when people comment on it. Shit really messes with you.
It isn’t so much that food is priced. It is the time required. To make a 600 calorie meal I could spend a half hour, might fuck up, and it will be okay, then I gotta do dishes. Or for a similar ammount of money I can eat a pile of tortilla chips that are scientificly designed to be more delicious than anything that could exist in nature and I am out mere minutes from my miserable day.
yes, the prohibitive factor for most, i imagine, is the time and psychic costs of putting something together, and cleaning up. people often, especially when ground down at work, will prefer to pay more (upfront; later, in terms of health expenses) for fast, pre-made meals, to avoid these psychic costs/ save time. the actual costs of healthy foods is low in my experience, when compared to pre-fab food.
If you are making a proper struggle meal it really is just as cheap.
A 2liter of cola is useually 99c and has days worth of calories and a bit of caffeine to keep you feeling alive. So a cup of that, some chips, and some MnMs gets you pennies on the dollar out the door for a reasonably pleasant meal you can get at a corner store and keep you going through even a hard work day. Doesn’t need to be preped or refrigerated, can’t go bad.
It just makes me sad to think how cheap and easy and helthy food could be if we put modern tech behind nice foods.
Without capitalism there’d still be vices like junk food, smoking, drugs (the harmful ones I mean), gambling, but there wouldn’t be cabals scheming and lobbying to grow them.
Capitalism no healthy food