For me, it was seeing the Third Precinct of the Minneapolis police department engulfed in flames….
Of course, it was a chud FBI informant who did it… but for that moment, I had some hope.
Then Obama told some NBA players to get back on the court…
About America, it has to be the 2020 riots, which in turn led to some of my greatest disappointment that I’ve ever experienced when i saw that easily co-opted and de-fanged by shitlibs, and ultimately lead to nothing. Most hopeful for the world, Bolivia overthrowing Anez was beautiful, and China coming to such a place of prominence in the world gives me hope for the end of the US empire. If India goes red in my lifetime, that will probably be the peak.
The day before Super Tuesday :flattened-bernie:
Late 1990’s Internet culture when we thought that with the added productivity that most people would be working 20-30 hours a week by 2020.
Instead the rich took 90% of the profits from productivity gains and now the US is more unequal than any country in the world.
Trump getting covid. not long term optimistic but it was definitely short term step in the right direction.
Was doing stuff with my friends, got the notification on my phone, and we all literally stopped what we were doing and started laughing, talking about how he was gonna die and America was gonna be 0.00000001% better.
Pulled up :azan: stream and watched him do the crab dance and shit. I was genuinely hopeful for the future of America, thinking if he dies there is some modicum of justice out there.
Of course he got better and nothing changed after he was gone, but personally the sheer exuberance of joy we had in that moment to stop everything we were doing and shit on the big wet boy hasn’t been matched in terms of optimism for this beached whale of a nation.
That was such a great weekend. I still think about it from time to time. That’s the last time I was really, politically, happy. Trump dying wouldn’t have brought socialism but it would have been very funny. I wanted to watch him die and pretend not to be dying but dying. Then his followers pretending not to be owned trying to act like it’s all a secret Q operation. Watching the lib media stuck between celebration and trying to be annoyingly respectful. I played the Ghana funeral dancer song on repeat for hours. I loved the memes.
Yeah it was just political catharsis for like 2 days straight, that can only be matched if like any of the existing US presidents + Kissinger get put into the popular video game Minecraft and thrown into the nether.
it was dumb, unfruitful, and ultimately pointless but it was just fun. The memes were fun, watching everyone trip over their own contradictions was fun, collectively rooting for the covid disease inside his body was fun.
maybe the police station burning down is a better example but it was hard to share in the joy of that from so far away personally.
I was optimistic about bernie. All us chapos were
I didn’t picture a golden throne. I pictures him hitting brick wall obstructionism. Then slowly as we just stopped doing thins the world would get better. It would soon become apparent that all we have to do to save the world is just sit down quietly and rot with dignity and the new world would bloom.
Still waiting for one of these rounds of covid to break america completely so you could say I am somwthing of an optimist myself.