But in all seriousness I think people came down way too hard on this game. The writing is mad good- (like only Disco Elysium and NV really compare to it good) and I love wandering around a cool cyberpunk city as my Skin Diamond lookalike mercenary
The game sucks there’s only 3 good games and one of them isn’t even good.
i had fun with it. wish the metro worked though.
The fuck even is this game? It’s named after a genre and a number, has Keanu Reeves and seems to just be Video Game in Setting. Like, what even kind of game is it? What’s the story? Does it have an identity outside of the genre it’s named after?
It’s a cRPG based on Cyberpunk, which I’ve been told was the first tabletop-game set in cyberpunk genre, followed by Shadowrun like a year after.
The game itself is like if you combine Borderlands 3 combat, with Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines rpg mechanics with Witcher 3 writing and top it off with GTA 4ish driving mechanics. It was also released a year too early.
edit: so what I’m trying to say with all these comparisons is that the game isnt really unique, but there isnt a good one to one comparison. Like it’s compared a lot to GTA5 because of marketing and the expectations that set, but it’s nothing like GTA5. The closest comparison would probably be VtMB with driving and better combat.
That’s trying to do too much a once. Like that dude Forest Gump. That guy lived a life, but you can’t do all that in one day.
Is the writing actually up there with DE? If so I might have to give it a try.
I think it’s good too, but I def wouldn’t say it comes anywhere near Disco Elysium
I’ve played the game beginning to end the writing was nothing special in my opinion. The whole thing hinges on V being someone who just loves doing crime for no particular reason, The actual game is okay.
I Erased those quests with that guy because From my memory because having a questline where the point is police would be good if they were just good people in a cyberpunk hellscape was a mind boggling decision.