Literally watch like 2 track and field videos and suddenly I’m bombarded by a bunch of sports videos with the thumbnail being a female athlete who’s very attractive or has large features. And of course every comment is a drooling dumbass and nothing about the actual sport or results.
Mine has got me in the forgotten weapons to marine recruitment pipeline. Nice try, DOD
watch IAAF world championships or Diamond League on youtube
get recommended supercut of female polevaulters in slow motion
I do, but with my hobbies instead.
but I enjoy it :hyperflush:
never had this problem, but I do have a couple different youtubes to get different algos. Maybe change your youtube gender? sorta related i wish there was a way to pre-load youtube algos and have other peoples algos so I could download the algo of someone who’s into deep into science and stuff cause whenever I try to make a science youtube it just recommends the same couple vsauce videos. Sorry that this is happening also.