Or is there gonna be a big thing that happens? I need to decide how much to drink.
just wait untill everyone in America realizes they’re getting poorer and there’s basically nothing that can be done about it
You’re right. I think many will also take their imagined vision of China–a fascist ethno-supremacist totalitarian state–and decide if that’s what it takes to be successful, then that’s what America needs to change itself into.
Chinese Exclusion Act II: Electric Boogaloo
What would even be the point if no Chinese person would be stupid enough to leave China for the worst nation on Earth?
That’s exactly what’s going to happen as the primary people who already realize they’re getting poorer/American is circling the drain are right-wingers. A good chunk of the non-conservatives are wayward youths who can easily be swayed into a frenzy over some made up “social justice” cause about China by the milennials with GAD at the CIA.
Didn’t Lenin or someone say it’s not the absolute level of poverty that gets things cracking but a drop from social conditions people are accustomed to?
The big thing that happens is gonna be some environmental catastrophe. A rush of climate refugees heading for the Anglosphere will ignite modern fascism like a burning match on gasoline and make Europe’s right wing swing during the last decade seem pretty mild mannered and progressive by comparison.
Interviewer: Do you think things are gonna get better before they get worse?
Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: No way. Things are just gonna get worse and keep on getting worse. Like I said, America’s a third world country as it is and… and we’re just basically in a hopeless situation as it stands
Interviewer: What do you think this country’s gonna look like in the year 2003?
Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: Y’know, I’ll tell you the truth - nothing against you guys, but I don’t wanna answer that question because… I haven’t even got a mind that’s that…that inhumane
Collapse is more like bits and pieces flaking off until no core structure remains
it’s like russia’s deterioration after the fall of the USSR. millions dying by drinking to death and suicide as their lives crumble, but there are still rich people and some middle class people going to work every day etc etc.
if russia can go on like that for 30 years already, the US can go on like that for at least as long. :doomjak: i really can’t take it anymore.
Keep in mind that this time it’s capitalism collapsing not socialism, so the chances for things to get better are much higher.
millions dying by drinking to death and suicide as their lives crumble, but there are still rich people and some middle class people going to work every day etc etc.
if russia can go on like that for 30 years already
Yeah, sadly I think that’s what we’re headed for in USA/Canada. Not some kind of revolution or anything, just 30 more years of shit deteriorating.
slow rot followed by a sudden collapse, like a old house