Ohio is super average, so a ton of market research goes on there. Then companies worry California is too liberal and will skew shit so they also do a lot of that Texas, which is some real big brain shit. Among the companies who opt to test stuff in Texas are our major textbook manufacturers, who also were the primary lobbyists on Common Core
When I was a kid, I lived 2 doors down from a quasi-rural gas station in Ohio.
My first or second year of getting stoned as a 16 or 17 year old, we got super baked and walked to the gas station. They had Doritos in a black and white bag labeled “Doritos X-13D”
Up until a few years ago when I googled them, I wasn’t sure if we all imagined it cause it was so weird.
I’m not sure if this was some kind of nationwide proto-viral marketing thing or if Ohio is integral to the story, but it’s extremely funny. Just like that website of obscure chip reviews wtf pure Americana
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