I ticked all the boxes in high school. Ironic-but-not-really fascist, incel, anti-LGBT, anti-abortion, pick a reaction, really. Now I’m happily married, father, Kinsey-1, reading theory, with growing class consciousness and looking to build solidarity with those people that a worse version of myself once dismissed as lesser or ungodly. It took leaving home, developing positive and loving male-male friendships, and being told that I was good enough and worth love irrespective of my accomplishments for me to start to develop the capacity to love others in the same way. Those who have traveled a similar path, what did it take for you?

Oh wow… well when I discovered the internet I got into all kinds of consiparcy theories and so on, and kinda developed reactionary views, hate the gays, burn the gipsies, etc. stuff that in retrospect is pretty much the norm for my homecountry. Then at some point I had the epiphany that Im trans, and that started a long journey on its own. I was pretty much a lib at this point. Then I met my ex, and one major thing that came out of this (beyond me being completely mentally fucked up cause of his cheating and heartless discard of me) is to realise the difference between words and actions, and how much more the second matter. Meanwhile, at my work I was observing the same - a huge mismatch between words and action, between our stated mission and what we did, between corporate buzzwords and getting things done. After I got dumped, I started listening to a bunch of podcasts, among them Chapo and Revolutions… the second really contributed to my radicalisation, and it really fit within my newly found worldview about words > actions. Then it was books, theory, the chapo sub etc. And in the meantime there was a lot of seeing injustice in the world, weird class differences in my adoptive country that werent as explicit in my home-country, realising how unneccesary unfair everything is.

There you have it - a transgirl, that got mentally damaged by a cheating ex, that led to her involvement with the radical left. Same arch as with anyone that ever joined ISIS, lol

7 points

Always been a weird malcontent, but I never took socialism seriously, thanks in large part to getting an econ degree at perhaps the most neoliberal university in the country. Listened to Chapo by chance one time and seriously vibed with their utter contempt for mainstream politics. I had previously been in a sort of “all politics is deeply idiotic but I guess liberal technocracy is a little better than the other options” type place. Got more and more open to socialism as I listened to more Chapo episodes, and eventually decided to read the Communist Manifesto and A People’s History of the United States and I was 100% sold from there on out.


Being trans, like in high school I was all over that Amazing Athiest shit. SJW ANTITHEIESM nonsense, Then I came out as trans and a lot of that reactionary shit started to calm down. From anti-feminist -> egalitarian -> feminist -> socialist -> anarchist -> egoist anarchist. A big influence on my politics was this anarchist writer / journalist called Dr. Bones. Stirner meets Hunter S. Thompson. He was later outed as a creep towards trans people but I still value the politics I learned from him. I know egoism is kinda a meme but I REALLY fucking vibe with it.

Being trans opened me up to the “other side” since I was no longer the white cis straight majority I basically went, “oh shit there is injustice”

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1 point
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I didn’t phrase it properly, Before I was trans i was a highshool edgelord, my bad

4 points

College, Bernie, and Trump. I liked Bernie in 2016 and have very left wing parents, but still was very dumb in high school and swung between standard dem and gamer who repeated dumb phrases, but Trump woke me up to the world, and Chapo actually put me on the path I am on today.

10 points

I never held any fascist, incel, anti-LGBT, anti-abortion, or christian views. That’s not to say I was left-wing or had good views, I was just never a right winger. I grew up in a typical, (mostly, we’re all at least partly Inuit, my mom being half, but white passing) white, “middle” class household (my parents divorced when I was 2 and my mom remarried when I was 6, I can’t say if this had any lasting effect on my psyche but I don’t really remember it). My parents were liberals, my (step) dad is protestant Irish from Belfast but he never talked about it or went to church.

Fascism I was just never really exposed to. Incels and abortion were non-issues because, well I’m a woman. As for LGBT, well I was pretty solidly a lesbian, my first kiss was with a girl, my first sexual experimentation was with other girls. My exploration of porn only really looked at women, and I ended up having sex with a few women during high school and college. Of course, I considered myself to be straight up until I was about 24 or 25 even after dating women because compulsory heterosexuality is a hell of a drug. I was never against the LGBT community, though of course I had to go through some self-acceptance and had internalized some homophobia to deal with (and still struggle with).

I think the biggest two things for me were racism and economic issues. I was never a “racist” in the sense of having white pride, of hating or disliking BIPOC, or saying slurs or what have you. So of course, in my sheltered upbringing I considered myself not to be racist. In fact I considered racism to be more or less over besides a vocal minority. I was racist in the sense I didn’t understand my internal biases, I didn’t understand how systemic racism still effected people, I didn’t really challenge racist “jokes.” Learning that racism isn’t just when you say the bad words took me a lot longer, as well as understanding privilege and systemic problems. Youtube really helped open me up to this and put it in perspective. I can’t say I know everything now, but at least I’m not as ignorant as a rock.

Economic issues were simple, I moved out of my parents house. Lol. Turns out I’m a downwardly mobile faildaughter. Then I read some books.




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