:trump-anguish: !?
There’s no individual part of this comic that I disagree with, and yet it somehow has the exact opposite point of view that I do.
They listen to fear cartoonishly coming from a tuba when it’s telling them vaccines cause myocarditis
And you can tell Ben’s pissed at Trump because he doesn’t look young and built like a greek god.
Nah, he’s still looking p fit in here (at least compared to reality), he’s drawn Trump like that before I think.
Ben issuing a warning to Trump: you’re on thin-ice mister, keep it up and I’ll draw you dumpy.
Notice how he looks paler in this one. Whereas in his alpha form, Trump is a tanned, bronzed orange hypermale. Speaks volumes about Ben Garrison’s internalized anti-White ideology.
I can’t wait for Trump’s character arc in the GCU to end with him looking unintentionally horny instead of deliberately.
Trump with a fat ass being spanked by the right wing flavor of the week, coming soon.