I call to my loved ones on the trolley that this is the time to use the emergency brake which is already there in case of the much more likely scenario of someone getting caught in the doors. Then, once the trolley has come to a stop with everyone safe I start lodging complaints with the department of transportation over the insane number of safety violations that led to this.
Clearly both trolley drivers’ dead man’s switches have failed, as has the electronic system that is supposed to detect that, as well as the signal system that registers every track switch. Also, the manual oversight of public transportation has failed catastrophically, either not noticing that something weird is going on or choosing to not shut down the trolleys despite noticing it. No one is supposed to be able to switch trolleys headed in opposite directions unto the same track in the first place, and certainly not anyone with access to an unsupervised manual switch. The design of that junction is insane and illegal.
New trolley problem:
You are a worker at wef, you have access to anarchist cookbook
Do you [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] or [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
Some time ago I heard that the anarchist cookbook is not recommended and one should use CIA instructions to manufacture improvised explosives etc.
To quote Crimethinc, the anarchist cookbook is “not composed or released by anarchists, not derived from anarchist practice, not intended to promote freedom and autonomy or challenge repressive power – and was barely a cookbook, as most of the recipes in it are notoriously unreliable”
They’re just workshopping ideas for the next Saw movie.
Oh wait they did this in The Dark Knight.
A trolly is heading down the tracks towards a philosopher. Do you pull the lever to redirect it?