They want people to have kids, but no support to have them or care for them, no freedom from immediate, crippling medical debt just from the child being born, nothing just “Have more workers for us to work to death and sometimes molest!”
What they’re cooking up is simply a massive increase in suicides and infant mortality, at best maybe some little orphan gangs running around like in fucking Hostel or some shit lol. Have candy available, always!
well if they want young people to start families they need to crackdown on landlords
Shuts out everyone at the border and kills half their population through negligence, while the other half suffers poverty
“Our population is dropping! Quick! We need to fix this!”
Ecofash gonna ecofash.
I honestly don’t know what comes next. But we’re going to start running into a serious water crisis eventually, and people out in the rural districts are going to be on the losing side of that tug-of-war.
There was some podcast I was listening to a week or two back about some billionaire out in Utah insisting the state could grow to 20M. They had Liam on as a guest from WTYP, and were all just flabbergasted at the idea the state could continue to water its own residents, much less an extra six times that number.
What does ecofascism look like when you’re in Arizona, staring north into Utah, and they tell you “Sorry but Glen Canyon’s all ours. No water for you”?
To some extent, I do want a billion Americans, but only by being accommodating for climate regugees through massive infrastructure planning and spending in the relatively climatically stable Great Lakes region. There wouldn’t be much of an “American” national identity as it is currently defined due to the dramatic population changes should such a fever dream be executed.
It won’t happen because libs are increasingly ecofascistic and don’t care about long-term climate preparedness or saving people from the third world, but I can dream.
This is another one if those contradictions, no?
They need the destitute and poor to function as the reserve army of labor, depressing wages and replacing workers who get upity.
However the poor are also pushed into crime as a means of survival which can disrupt capitalist society.
So the capitalists switch between whichever they find most annoying moment to moment