Name can be whatever, but the point is to use conservative talking points to argue for environmental change, things like
- linking destruction of the environment to religion (garden of Eden or some shit, Idk),
- promoting pollution reduction because it impacts hunting and fishing (anyone who is reducing the amount that you shoot guns and kill animals is clearly a liberal),
- promote reforestation with call backs to shitty presidents and other officials who constantly wrote about nature and wildlife (make destruction of what they valued as much of an issue as destroying confederate statues),
- be agaisnt large corporations because they don’t have family values and push mom and pop stores out of small towns
- use semantics about “conserve” to argue real conservatives should be in favour of conserving the environment
Others could likely come up with more better ideas, but basically its a thought on putting noise in the system on their side just as green capitalists pretend to be on the left. If nothing else, one of you comrades could probably grift out some rent money if you’re bored enough to try and run something like this and don’t want to make an onlyfans.
That said, framing conservation as “defending our natural resources” has been shown to affect conservatives’ opinions on the matter
I’ll use it but I hate that line so much. Such ridiculous, emotionally-stunted manchildren that they need every fucking thing to be framed like this. What kind of fucking asshole rolls his eyes at “keeping the planet habitable,” but agrees to the exact same thing if it’s framed as “defending our natural resources?”
Sorry, just needed to vent. If it works, it works.
That sounds about right. I was hoping for it to be an idea that counters the ecofash that larp as ‘left’ with a glimmer of hope on the ‘right’, but it is absurdly likely it will just continue as fascist talking points without the ecological message, or straight ecofash policies being promoted to pander to this new bloc.
This is great but sounds about as possible as convincing Christians to follow Jesus
yeah, the modern conservative movement is fueled entirely by wealthy donors and organisations trying to keep the masses rooting for the shambling corpse of capitalism for just a little longer. you cannot link something that is bad for corporations’ bottom lines to religion and expect it to stick.
evangelicals are stupid fucking hogs, look at the people they praise as leaders. cuck oafs like Falwell and cokehead casino mogul bullies like Trump. none of these people care what’s in the bible, they care about their parasocial relatio ships with politicians, facebook group members, fox news anchors and televangelists. they’ll believe what they’re told to believe by capital and its stooges.
Yeah that sounds about right. I figured the key would be someone willing to larp as conservative for a while who builds up this idea and grifts rent/mortgage before this comes into play so fox and breitbart can’t just attack it from the supply side jesus angle. Most likely though it would just become solved as ecological imperialism in the global south while pretending the west will be fine.
I understand the urge but you can’t just outfox these people into doing the right thing. You need a powerful white dude who signals their values to get them to do anything.
Actual hunters and sport fishers tend to actually get behind some environmental causes, such as duck hunters joining campaigns to protect wet lands where I live. The trick is actual hunters and sorry fishers are a minority compared to general gun nuts who talk about being outdoors types constantly, despite seldom actually hunting, fishing let alone respecting the land in any way
That’s the community I feel this could tap into if it were refined by someone better at this/less high. If theres a way to say “the more you respect the land the more you respect (insert country)” it could spread a bit in their circles to shame people into it. Unfortunately usually people are happy to keep their local land good and 2 hours away can be tar sands in every direction for all they care