five bucks says she gets out on “compassionate release” like maybe three years in
I thought Brace’s bit on the Trueanon episode about this rang really true. Namely that this means it’s done, no one else is going down for this, the fact that Epstein was the center of a pedo sex ring of the rich and powerful will be lost. In the future when someone brings up that fact to a person who has never heard of Jeffrey Epstein they’ll look it up, and they’ll see that Epstein was convicted in 2007, arrested again in 2018, committed suicide, and then his associate Ghislaine Maxwell went down for it all. A far reaching conspiracy? That’s lunacy, it was just one rich guy and his sometimes-girlfriend preying on poor children in Florida. Nothing else to see here, no reason to pursue it further.
Sometimes good things happen
Cant believe she killed herself before she can name more people.
The BBC invited Alan Dershowitz on to comment on this, introduced him simply as “Constitutional lawyer”, failed to mention his legal representation of Epstein and failed to mention him being personally named by victims, in fact Dersh himself decided to instead of commenting on the Maxwell trial, rant about how the accusations against him and prince whoever were all false and smear a woman who was not even involved in the Maxwell trial.
This is the media that gives 99% of westerners all their views about AES states
Has there been a change of leadership in the BBC lately or have the old guys realised its harder and harder to find guys to pedal their bullshit?