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We finally left Afghanistan the fuck alone, and have seemed to cement that we’re not going back in - despite everyone in government and the media talking about it like it’s the biggest tragedy every
i mean, fuck Biden but that’s more than almost any other president in my (young) life has done
withdrawing was a good thing, and the other part of that is that he/the military/etc bungled the actual execution of the withdrawal so spectacularly incompetently that it did real additional damage to american imperial credibility
so thats another plus
What that actually looks like. The fall of America as the global hegemon means more war and competition for power in that vacuum. Unless global communism pops up over night and fills the void itself. Doubtful tho, I think
There’s this scenario in my mind in which Corbyn won in 2019, then ends up merked for doing huge infrastructure investment funded by Belt and Road (along the lines of the plot of A Very British Coup, where Harry Perkins works around the IMF’s sanctions for nuclear disarmament by loans from the International State Bank of Moscow).
I assume at some point western countries are going to have to realign out of necessity, and :cia: is gonna :party-sicko:
Unfortunately, the opposite is happening. The 5 Eyes bond is stronger than ever, and Germany appears to be trying to push the EU closer to the US as well even if France is trying to pull away. Plus Japan and India trying to posture against China and beg the US to help to do it.
The absolute funniest thing about pulling out of Afghanistan was the Taliban working security at Kabul’s airport.
Im imagining them waving people through the metal detectors, and pushing those little bins through the x ray machines.
There’s still gonna be a ton of mercenaries farting around Afghanistan doing war crimes though.
We finally left Afghanistan the fuck alone, and have seemed to cement that we’re not going back in
The CIA still has strong ties to paramilitary groups there and will likely continue to use them. So, the US hasn’t actually left completely. This is a great video on the topic.
His dog bit a bunch of people and shit in the whitehouse
for every 500,000 dead americans the bidens get a new dog
They improved pronoun options on some government online forms.
I feel like Biden had literally nothing to do with this and they were added by the web devs when updating.
Was kinda good tho.
It’s both funny and incredibly depressing that he’s more progressive than any other president on that very particular thing lol
i mean for a demented, nearly 80 year old man that’s a pretty decent answer i’ll give him like 6/10 credit
The child tax credit, leaving Afghanistan
Legit I just thought Afghanistan was going to go on forever
I feel the terminally online left never mentions child tax credits because it is either volcel, incel or doomer and just doesnt have kids and therefore didn’t see the benefits of lumping it in with government preschool. Biden of course let this shit expire so the opportunity has been wasted.
As far as I can tell, the child tax credit payments were just an advance on what you would normally get back after filing taxes if you had kids. Half paid out monthly, half paid when you file taxes. I don’t think anyone gets extra money.