Permanently Deleted
They forgot to put everyone on the poster.
Kyle Sharnt
Jay Durnk
Brandon Timmacow
Jerry Mesipinini
Carl Plout
Krem Bartong
Gorg Lepershinko
Dart Crumwad
Gil Gussino
Larn Hangleshire
And of course everyone’s favorite alpha male motivational speaker, Dan Bongos.
Lonn Tilbo
Wayne “Neckbone” Toppo
Tramm Loucher
Yerne Logginslough
Phillip McCrevis
with a late night party emceed by TV’s DJ Beef O’Chicken
[](Dirk Hardpec!)
The Bull
Why do they all look like they haven’t shit in 30 years?
Someone should go and ask them which one of them is the alpha of their group of alphas.