Incredibly rare Belgium W
Why is Belgium so sensible on Palestine when other western countries are so horrible?
I think you live in Belgium, right? What’s your opinion?
The government seems divided on the topic but at least we got this minister saying we will back it. There have been massive protests for months now and I’m glad to see they won’t go unnoticed. The next step is to prevent Israeli ships from entering the port of Antwerp. Our party has already filed a lawsuit against the port saying that assisting in weapons shipment makes Belgium complicit in the genocide. Another group will try to prevent Israeli oil ships to enter the port this week. So a lot of people in Belgium genuinely want to take action and that’s good to see
What is your party? I just moved to Belgium and would like to join an org or party, but I don’t speak Dutch or French… Is the PVDA any good?
It is PVDA. It’s good enough and the only party that has a realistic chance of getting somewhere. It may not be perfect but it at least is a marxist party with many different kinds of marxists as members. If you become a member a local chapter should contact you pretty fast and you can join an action group near you. Try it, it’s fun.
Big Belgium redemption arc?
Amazing news- honestly, I’m shocked to see that a west European country (aside from the usual- ie. Ireland) is acting like halfway decent human beings here. Props to Belgium, maybe not all is lost