Apparently asking for her release. 4 people taken hostage, including a rabbi.
According to Twitter (local news reporter) via one hostage has been released, not requiring any medical attention.
She’s sounds really cool ngl
If what is true what the US claims, that she killed a soldier who was torturing her and was threatening her with a loaded gun, then I am all for pardoning her and giving her a comically large 2nd amendment medal.
If she shot an US soldier without being tortured on a US black site I say: good!
I hope it all ends peacefully and she gets released and this guy walks. We all know it won’t happen, but it would be nice :sicko-wistful:
That hostage taking in a synagogue is really fucking problematic is obvious.
Just as thousands of political dissidents, suspected criminals, and enemies of the state were “disappeared” from Latin America over the course of several decades of CIA-funded dirty wars, so too have hundreds of “persons of interest” around the world begun to disappear as a consequence of the global war on terror, which in many ways has become a globalized version of those earlier, regional failures of democracy.
Emphasis mine.
Scratch. A. Fucking. Liberal holy shit