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Religion is sus
To add a bonus hot take to this: I think western liberals (and some socialists) being all yaaaas kween about muslim women wearing hijabs is cringe as fuck. Like yeah I get it’s not a straight forward issue especially when muslim women wear it in western countries where it’s frowned by reactionaries upon but don’t pretend you wouldn’t call that shit internalized misogyny in an alternate universe where the West is muslim. That’s not to say white people should be tut-tutting muslim women about it but the other extreme is also pretty cringe and I feel we’re way closer to that.
So it’s really important to them but they also are kinda “whatever” about it?
That’s kind of just how people work isn’t it?
It gives them some comfort but at the same time the details are whatever. Christians for example could twist themselves up in knots trying to reconcile this and that in the bible, but they usually excuse them with some thought terminating cliche, even to themselves.
Caring about this religion or that is a bit of an idealist notion anyway, so I think it’s more like we don’t think there is much to be gained from that analysis. Religion, like everything else, comes from and is molded by material conditions so looking there is usually more interesting.
Spirituality is fine to me. Organized religion is bullshit, except the Sikhs, they seem cool.
See the “organized” part is the part that I understand much more. Believing in magic is, to be frank, silly. Having a place you go weekly that gives you a community structure largely lacking from capitalist society? Totally get it, kinda jealous honestly.
I see, I was more disparaging grand scale religion, like megachurches, and the Catholic church. Religion can foster a sense of community, but so can other things, like political organizing (sometimes based) and sports (mostly cringe).
But yes, if all you have is capitalist atomization then organized religion is better.
Spirituality is also foreign to me, except when I get help from shrooms.
Attractiveness really does matter when it comes to getting dates. Lots of dating advice say’s “personality is the most important thing” which is true for a relationship but it is vastly easier to get a first date if you’re good looking
i think overall that women are more accepting of other peoples physical “flaws” than men.
Hmmm, idk. As someone who grew up as a “girl,” my appearance was (and still is sometimes!) policed way more by the women in my life than it was by the men (the men also did some policing, just not as much).
i see what you mean, i guess i mostly meant when looking for a relationship women are more accepting of “flaws” and men tend to be more shallow. i understand what you mean about “girls” being mean to each other, i mostly saw that secondhand via my sister and her friends. they did seem to have fights that would rotate through the group.
There are very few objectively ugly people. Most of attractiveness is hygiene, styling, and personality.
attractiveness def helps getting the initial date, but personality is what will be the deciding factor of whether you’re just a hookup or short fling, or something substantial (for most people).
I’ve pulled some pretty hot guys who had shit attitudes and personalities and I would never date them long term because we are just not on the same page.
Eating ass is gross
for real, that make no fucking sense whatsoever. Porn makes it look so fun cause they did 20 enemas first.
butthole has many nerve endings
the enemas are for the inside fucking. when you eat ass, you’re mostly on the outside, so as long as the butthole-haver has properly cleaned their ass, there’s no issue.