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r/196 banned me for being a tankie, so I guess my political career is over :shrug-outta-hecks:
The ideological U.S. socdem left that re-emerged alongside Bernie’s campaigns was largely composed of the downwardly-mobile scions of professional class (mostly white) families. They could only really conceive of political change through the lens of winning elections, and once Bernie lost, they were scattered. We’re still feeling the effects of that.
But the silver lining to Bernie losing was, now we’re seeing the re-emergence of a real working class labor militancy movement whose members know that their conditions won’t be improved (only) at the ballot box. The pandemic and things generally getting shittier were definitely also factors in the movement’s emergence, but so was millions of people seeing Bernie eat shit; how the system simply will not willingly allow even the most milquetoast of reforms to occur.
Not shitting on anyone who volunteered for Bernie btw. I phonebanked and canvassed for him too.
People stop caring about politics except in election years.
Bernie. Bernie took his email list, sold it to the dnc, and threw it away rather than using it to continue organizing, or giving it to grassroots organizations. Justice dems and the like were likely covertly funded or controlled by the dnc or aligned interests. Fuck bernie.
BUT national movements will be co-opted. A tale as old as time. Local is where you can get connected and make a material difference in the lives of others through electoralism, mutual aid, organizing, etc