I make a point to avoid ads like most people who are slightly tech savvy, but today I’ve been watching a sketchy free football stream (c’mon Buccs!) which shows them and it’s far worse than I remember. Half the ads are for gambling, the other half are for fucking crypto, and the few commercials of other genres that slip through the cracks are for giant fucking trucks and SUVs.
I think what I really hate the most about commercials though is how upbeat they all are. It’s like a distilled version of the faux smiles you get from people doing customer service, but amped up to the point where it’s grating as all hell.
One of the commercials had a guy jumping up and saying “IM A MILLIONAIRE!” and telling his boss off and stuff, and then suddenly coming down and saying “im not a millionaire anymore” presumably as his crypto wallet spiked in a value and then dropped back down.
I can’t imagine living in that reality. Even if you have millions in crypto, apparently it’s extremely hard to sell them because you need to convince people to buy them from you, which is why the ad blitz for them will only get more and more desperate as time goes on and the major players look to actually pocket some of their stake. Of course, much like with shovel-sellers during a gold rush, the people actually making cash off of crypto are the ones running the graphics card farms that mine them - especially if they get tipped “gas fees” regularly - and the only way to be competitive on that end is if you have a big pile of actual money to set up your farm in a country with cheap electricity.
not to sound all boomer but i miss the days when crypto wasnt just another fuckin capitalist “asset”……it was a god damn way to buy drugs, and it still is often times but its. much, much more known as an “asset” (and thought of in a way that resembles the way people think of stocks)
(also side note i love t hat when i tried to find a boomer emoji i couldnt, these came up instead :anarcho-bottom: :soviet-bottom: :bottom-speak: )
as everyone should.
If the human race lasts long enough to see the end of the commercial/advertising shit (ie. outlives capitalism), people will look back on commercials as the dumbest fucking things humans have ever created, and as proof that the entire society was trapped in a strange mental illness / hysteria for like 50+ years.
future people
I’m a present person and even I have difficulty believing that. I mean, you have the literal internet at the palm of your hand, why are you watching commercials? :thinking-about-it:
Cable television in America was sold originally on the promise of not having ads, since people had to pay for it. It didn’t last long at all.
I saw someone say this earlier, but the capitalists won’t stop until they can literally pump ads into our brains.
Half the ads are for gambling, the other half are for fucking crypto
So they’re all for gambling.
I remember dad’s wife’s mom kept turning the TV on for no reason. Nobody in the room, nothing, so I turned it off. I come back in, and it’s on again, playing to an empty room. I caught her turning it on and leaving, and she explained, “Oh, I just like the noise.”