Biden can’t even warmonger properly lmao. Looks like Zelensky and Ukraine could be turning away from US and opening up some diplomatic channels with Russia.
US tried so hard to make this into a war but everyone seems to be getting sick of their sundowning ramblings.
biden is sundowning :geordi-no:
USA is sundowning :geordi-yes:
Biden actually didn’t warmonger about it despite everyone in Washington losing the minds. IIRC he flat out said in a press conference that Ukraine is not joining NATO and the US will only sanction Russia if they do anything. It seems like the media just isn’t acknowledging that and going the “keep repeating it until its true” route.
Basically Putin called Washington’s bluff about Ukraine. If NATO did invoke article 5 over it, all the ex soviet bloc countries will drop out of NATO plus Turkey. Russia would take Donbass, roll into Kiev, burn the Capitol and leave before we even got there.
lol at this imperialist cope from cnn, writing most of an article ostensibly about Ukrainian government positions with statements by American officials
That’s not quite true. They are still very good at suppressing domestic media and online dissent. It’s honestly the only thing they seem to be effective at and is likely the true metric for new-blood meritocratic success within the agency these days.
It makes sense though, the ‘important matters’ (foreign threats) are left to ‘important people’ (nepotistic in hiring) while the ‘piddly shit’ (domestic radicalization) is left to ‘underlings’ (new hire people who are actually good at their job).
I do appreciate Biden just saying “Look we aren’t the empire we were. We’re not going to war with Russia or staying in Afghanistan.” And then the entire Washington elite just rips their hair out. Who will pay them to make articles about how we must go to war if we never go to war???